Planned giving and creating a charitable legacy

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Creating a charitable legacy through estate planning is a powerful way to provide for the organizations and causes that are important to you.

If you include VoteAmerica in your estate plans, we would also like to recognize you as a member of the VoteAmerica Legacy Society. By making this commitment, you join a special circle of individuals dedicated to advancing the mission and values of VoteAmerica. As a member, you will be acknowledged in our Annual Report, receive regular updates on the progress we are achieving together, be invited to special events, and have direct access to our CEO, Debra Cleaver.

If you need any help with legacy planning, please contact

VoteAmerica as a beneficiary of your will or trust

If you are creating a will for the first time and would like to name VoteAmerica as a beneficiary, you can provide the language below to your attorney or advisor. You can also use this language to create a "codicil" to your will that adds VoteAmerica as a beneficiary to an existing will. You will also want to have our address and Tax ID number (TIN) on file: 84-3442002

Add this language to your will:

"I give and bequeath to VoteAmerica, Inc, a charity headquartered in San Francisco, California, the sum of $____ (or percent of the rest and residue of my estate) to be used by VoteAmerica for its general charitable purposes. VoteAmerica's tax ID number is 84-3442002."

Add this language to your trust:

"The Trust shall distribute to VoteAmerica, Inc, a charity headquartered in San Francisco, California, the sum of $____ (or percent of the rest and residue trust) to be used by it for its general charitable purposes. VoteAmerica’s tax ID number is 84-3442002."

VoteAmerica as a beneficiary of your life insurance

Designating VoteAmerica as a beneficiary of your life insurance may enable you to make a larger gift than you thought possible.

If you wish to make VoteAmerica a beneficiary of your life insurance, you can request forms from your insurance company to add or change your beneficiary. These are usually found on the company website or can be requested by phone. To make VoteAmerica a beneficiary, please use the address below along with our Tax ID number (84-3442002) to complete the form.

VoteAmerica, Inc.
530 Divisadero Street
PMB 126
San Francisco, CA 94117

To ensure that your wishes are honored, remember to keep an up-to-date beneficiary form filed with your insurance company. Even if you indicate in your will that you wish a specific charity to receive the proceeds of your life insurance, if the insurance company has an older form, the law dictates that the beneficiary form, no matter how old, takes precedence.

VoteAmerica as a beneficiary of your retirement accounts

Designating VoteAmerica as a beneficiary of your individual retirement account, or Keogh, 401(k), or 403(b) plan is one of the simplest and most tax-efficient ways to provide for your retirement while supporting VoteAmerica.

Retirement plans left to children will be subject to income tax and estate tax, if you have a taxable estate. Plans left to charities will be subject to neither, so if you are trying to choose which assets to leave to whom, remember this distinction.

If you choose this type of legacy gift, it is important to know that:

  • Your retirement account withdrawals will continue during your lifetime.

  • Your gift to VoteAmerica becomes effective only when you no longer need the assets.

  • You can name a spouse or partner as the primary beneficiary if you die first, and VoteAmerica as secondary beneficiary.

  • You may choose to donate all the remaining assets in your account or a percentage.

If you choose VoteAmerica as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, you can request forms to add or change your beneficiary through the company website or by phone. Please use our address below with our Tax ID to complete the form:

VoteAmerica, Inc.
530 Divisadero Street
PMB 126
San Francisco CA 94117
Tax ID Number: 84-3442002

To ensure your wishes are honored, remember to keep up-to-date beneficiary forms filed with your retirement plan.

Arranging a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA)

Arranging a charitable gift annuity is a great way to benefit both you and VoteAmerica. An initial investment provides returns to you during your lifetime and supports our work on behalf of consumers in the future.

You can contribute cash or securities to VoteAmerica to create a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA). Your gift of $10,000 or more guarantees you payments for life at a fixed rate and an income tax deduction. Payments can begin immediately or they can be deferred. The longer you wait to start payments, the higher they will be.

If you decide to establish a CGA with VoteAmerica, it is important to know that:

  • You will receive a federal income charitable tax deduction in the year you make the gift.

  • You must be 55 to establish a CGA and 60 to receive payments.

  • You can make your gift with cash or stocks. If you choose stocks, that may also reduce your capital gains taxes.

  • A portion of your payments will be tax-free.

  • You can create a joint annuity with a spouse or partner that is also a CGA.

Questions? Need help?

Please contact with questions about including VoteAmerica in your estate plans. We will respond within 1 business day.